Had a great time last night at Winter Words listening to the Fun Lovin' Crime Writers* murder a few songs and then back home for a glass or two of wine and some scandi noir.
Headed out earlier (well for us) this morning to Logierait Woods and caught the inversions in the Tummel Valley before they disappeared.
We followed the Top o' the Hill Route (which takes you close to the top but not actually to it) with the addition of a little side trip to find the trig point (extra) which eluded us last week when we approached in a different direction. We now of course need to close the gap between this week's walk and last week's walk and also actually get to the top of Dundfallandy Hill which is separate from trig point.
Saw lots of animal tracks in the snow but I didn't see any animal, although MrT spotted a roe deer.
In the course of researching this walk I found a website devoted to trig points - who knew !
* see extra from yesterday
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