
By biddy

Turf wars with the robins.

Yesterday morning  as we were  having breakfast, I noticed two male robins on our garage roof. 
In Spring robins are checking out nesting sites. These two decided that they both liked our garden! We have a nesting pair each year. I would like to think that the victor, who is on the left, is actually our own male resident defending his territory.  
   I was fascinated  by their  posturing! They puffed out their breast feathers to make themselves look bigger, did what I call a "Paddington Bear hard stare"  and occasionally the one on the left turned his back and raised his tail, flicking his rear end up and down. I guess it is a robin's way of making a rude gesture!  
I have also listened to the liquid beautiful song of a thrush which now begins around 5.30am each morning the notes pouring out through the quiet, and in through the bedroom window,  as the day begins gradually to lighten. 

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