The Night of the Long Knives

I almost always carry a pocket knife, but the reason I have so many is down to my father who seemed to have a different one for every day of the month !

This is just a small selection of the collection I discovered today. I know I have more somewhere and I will gradually find them as we sort out with a fine toothed comb. So far we have 3 boxes: Box 1- Car Boot, Box 2- Jumble Sale, Box 3- Charity shop... but what do you do with these - well they are in a little box which I will stash knowing where it is ! So yesterday it was phones (& I found another today) Today it is knives & a couple of Police Whistles !

I carry one of the above almost all the time but which one is it - this particular one belonged to my maternal Grandfather. I panicked when I mislaid it when I came out of hospital last year but C had put it safe & I found it after much rooting around.

A bright sunny day.

PS I don't remember the night of the Long Knives as I was only 4 !

PPS An interesting extra showing a picture of a Great Aunt 

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