Sorry this is a bit late in posting but have been rather busy celebrating.

On this my special day the first blessing was the sun was shining.  Well what more could I want.  We decided to take the Mini out for a spin and went down to Sennen Cove, just 1.5 miles from the famous Lands End.

As you can see the sea was extremely rough, the wind very cold but we managed to get a lovely seat in a pub over looking the sea.  I don't usually eat fish and chips but today was, after all, my day.  They did not disappoint!!

It was lovely to be out and about but nice to come home to Shelley and Jazz.  Of course Phoebe came with us.

Yesterday enjoyed another super day with our lovely dear neighbours from Hampshire who are now living down in Newquay.  Again more celebrations (but not fish & chips).

And today Saturday the sun is still shining.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. xxxxx

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