Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Great Horned Owl

The Outreach Director at The Wildlife Center asked me to take some photos of a particular great horned owl that's being rehabbed - the idea being that they're going to do a children's book about his story. It'll be their second children's book - the first is Maggie the One-Eyed Peregrine Falcon. Apparently this guy - who may well have been young and dumb - tried to eat a duck, and then was beaten up by a rooster (???). Anyway - I went up to the flight cage when it was time for him to be exercised and tried to take some shots of him in flight. Well. The in flight shots were completely worthless (it's a long narrow flight cage and it was impossible to get the right angle or to focus on him well as he zipped by me). He was supposed to do fifteen lengths for his exercise, but by about the 10th he got really balky and had to be caught and tossed to get him to fly. Baby steps! At least I got a few good decent shots of him perched. I hope I will be able to try again and maybe even figure out what lens would work better, among other things.

I am flagrantly defying rules about posting photos of our patients on "social media" with this post, you know. Tsk. But it's the only photo I have for today so here it is!

Also, I'm posting early because I'm going out with the Ladies for dinner tonight.

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