Alternative Olympic Games ...

... Eating contest!

Hello Folks! It's me again, KangaZu reporting from the Pennsylvania Olympic arena.

Today was the eating contest in which Team Squirrel dominated!  As you can see each member has his or her own eating style. However, there was some controversy when Joey Peanut (bottom pic) was eliminated for trying to stuff more than one peanut at a time in his mouth!  So the gold went to Miki Goober (upper left pic)!

The crowd (squirrels and crows alike) watched with bated breath as the competition heated up!  

I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful support after yesterday's sad news.  I am working through the personal thank you's but wanted to get this blip up first as I need to announce the MM theme for next week. 

Okay here goes ....

Mono Monday 213!  The theme for MM213 is "Out of your comfort zone."

Sorry if I'm making these challenges a bit hard .... but that's the whole point of a challenge, right!?!

So, you want to know what I mean by "out of your comfort zone".  Well, this could be just about anything .... from selfies to street photography to portraits of strangers.  In other words ... whatever you are not usually comfortable photographing!  YIKES!  I'm not particularly comfortable with any of the things I mentioned so I'm in the same boat as the rest of you!

Please tag your entries MM213 or Mono Monday 213 ..... those are the only tags I will look at due to time constraints. As always ... I will be giving stars and comments to all participants. If you don't get a star and comment let me know ... but please give me until Wednesday.  I will be awarding hearts and honorable mentions on Thursday. And also announcing the final February theme.  Thank God you are probably saying!! This last one should be easy!

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