A Walk In The Woods.
...not really, this photo taken over the gate. Walkers are not welcomed here with signs that quite abruptly give notice to the fact.
Today has been quite eventful, this morning being very bright I went off to take this photo, I was hoping for a nice play of shadows across the track, and am quite pleased with the photo. When I returned home, to my dismay I found that my iMac refused to start up! Fearing an expensive failure and repair bill I googled around a bit and tried a few of the remedies suggested.
I'm happy to say that after a disastrous hard drive failure some years a go I invested in an Apple Airport Time Capsule that automatically backs up everything once a day... and after a lot of fiddling around managed to install the system to an external drive and re-boot the computer from it.
I then tried to re-install to the internal hard drive, a process that took six hours and was successful... Hooray! I'm now wondering if I need to replace the internal hard drive..
In the afternoon I took Margaret over to Addenbrookes Hospital to have her eye measured for a cataract operation she will be having soon...
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