Mum and Son hit the lecture room..

..again. Tonight's Scottish Wildlife Talk at the zoology building was about the mitigation measures they've put in place to minimise the impact of the AWPR on wildlife. From totally wild land bridges to using coloured fences to stop the Digger Jim's of the world- the backbone of the AWPR workforce - encroaching onto wildlife works during excavations. But let's not kid ourselves, the impact is huge and whether you are pro or against the AWPR, it's definately a recipe for roadkill central and a taxidermist's dream. Which is sad. Especially where it has cut forest habitat in two. But they are actually required to count and monitor the roadkill and if there are repeated kills in the same area...they will look to see if they can put in safeguards. We shall see, we shall see! The consultant was a very good speaker.

Oh but I love the raffle afterwards, I never seem to buy tickets but I donate a bottle. It's hilarious. These senior wildlife loving raffle winners fairly always jump at the booze as their first choice
No one wants to choose the weird cat picture donation or stinky candles. Rest assured I donate booze. Us wildlife folk know how to look after each other.

And I love the fact that I get awesome mum points for going to these talks with Sam.

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