‘Let’s get ready to hobble!’

Crikey it has been chilly and breezy today. Tony and I litter picked in the sunshine first thing in case the weather turned, then it was an afternoon of tasks to be done: a bit of washing; sewing up a twiddlemuffs; packing away the new jigsaw; practising my recorder; e-mails...gosh life is tough! The sparrow hawk made several passes through the elder tree in hope of lunch and was dramatically spun away by the wind, the blue tits safe for now.

As Tony prepared the lamb casserole I donned my running gear and joined the Hobblers, eleven of us tonight, on a circuit of the caravan park and village. A great bunch of women.

My blip was going to be of the blackbird in the bird bath but the camera was on all the wrong settings so here is me in my Dalek gear!

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