Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Through a Brick, Darkly

The Abstract Thursday challenge today is 'distortion', and Ingeborg suggested looking for naturally occurring effects, through glass or ice.

Well, mine is through a very tatty glass brick in a wall in the High Street. I confess to having fiddled with it a bit in GoArt, to add some colour.  I think I can see an exotic fish, and a bird in there now.

It is a bright but cold day, and we thought we would let the bolder of the cats out for a bit. We spent the next hour worrying whether we'd ever see him again, but he returned, and now he's out again.  

They have names now.  The  confident grey and white one is Douglas (known as Duggles) and the rather aloof ginger and white is Percy. I won't bore you with the round-about thought process which got us to this conclusion, we've auditioned many possibilities and these seemed to fit best.

Now we are like anxious parents wondering when our teenage son is going to come home ......... When he's hungry, I imagine. Percy shows no inclination to join him outside.

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