Excited Gulls

Checked on the two G's this afternoon - still there but still not integrated into the group! My Fellow Allotmenteer was there too - we don't bump into each other that much over the winter. We gave each other a big hug - hugs are very good for the soul, but I had to ask him not to hug so tightly next time as I feared my back would snap! I have a new, bigger, purple whistling kettle which I am looking forward to using, so we shall soon be sitting in the sun having a cup of tea and a natter as we rest from our labors! 
It was such a lovely evening I didn't want to go home, but neither did I want to do anything to my plot. I decided I'd go down to Halton Quay - I find it such a calming place and hoped for a sunset. I was greeted by a lovely dog with a huge stick - his owner was giving him some exercise as his wife watched from inside the car! I happily took photos as I waited for the sun to set, and was delighted when the seagulls suddenly flew from where they had been calmly sitting on the river to where the dog owners car was parked. I don't know if he had thrown some food down but they were highly excited! Once they had settled back on the river I realised I was feeling quite cold! Even my allotment clothes, scarf  and gloves couldn't keep the chill out. I walked around a bit then decided I already had a photo in the camera of the excited birds and the sunset really wasn't going to happen! Time to head home and warm up! 

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