Snow on the Holly.
It’s now the 14th of February, so I’m over a week late posting this Blip but, AGMs that leave me with preparation to do and minutes write are now over so I should have a little more time. However, the persistent six week cold/’flu that everybody has is – well, persisting, and the cinema web-site has disappeared without trace and so needs rebuilding. I used to have a colleague who claimed that if you remove one problem, another two would be spontaneously created to replace it. I will now try and start putting up the belated Blips and, strangely, I have photographs for every day from here to the present.
There was snow throughout the night; leastways, every time that I woke up coughing, it was snowing so I nipped out before breakfast to capture my Blip while it was still on the leaves. I’d made the correct choice; by the time my porage had been cooked and eaten, all the snow had melted.
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