Happy valentines

We went to playgroup this  morning - which was utterly, utterly freezing!  The church heating normally goes on a couple of hours before the group starts, but this week, being half term, the organiser was away and we were opening up for ourselves, so the heating went on when we arrived.  Given it was half term, there were four grown ups and five children at the group, all of us in coats drinking our coffee trying to warm up. The boys didn't seem to mind one bit! 

I had half an hour to kill this afternoon and had the brain wave that we would make valentines cards for the husband, who is away this evening.  The youngest was pretty disinterested, and hasn't got anything on the front (a tractor was more interesting), the eldest got into it pretty well and I can't say I'm exactly proud of my effort...  but let's hope the husband will like his cards when he comes home late this evening. 

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