
By TBay

Valentines Day

For the eagle eyed among you you will have spotted the YFC Junior Public Speaking Rules behind the rather pretty Valentines card. This is because this evening I will be training these speakers and not enjoying a romantic evening in with the cold ridden conjunctivitis afflicted Mr Tbay! How tragic you may be thinking, but wait he is ok as he has been asked to join the Tbay Jnrs and Mrs V for supper. My, that will be a romantic affair.

So today Miss Whiplash came, pummelled, pulled, and hammered me back to some kind of normality. Still standing and invigorated by her assault on me I headed to do a shop as the cupboards were showing signs of emptiness. Just to help me it was blowing a hurricane and pouring with rain. That put pay to the freshly styled hair, especially when I clamped my hat on it.

Farming. - Two on compost hauling.

The Tbay Jnrs were off the CF clinic which they attend every 10 weeks with Little Miss. hope all went well

So to end, HAPPY VALENTINES day to my fellow blippers. Hope yours proved a bit more romantic than the collective efforts of the Tbays !

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