Time to reflect

Yesterday I took chubby hubby to the hospital to have them look at a hacking cough he's had for absolute month. Once there they found his medical notes which came to one page for the seventeen years we've been here. After bloods and xrays they said he was fine but still gave him some good awful antibiotics. Within two hours of taking them he was talking gibberish and couldn't form proper sentences. At first I thought he'd taken a stroke but it became apparent that wasn't the case. Later that night he started again. I phoned nhs 24 who spoke to himself and they were clearly concerned. I took him back to a& E and this time a different doctor said he probably had a chest and urinary infection. They kept him in then transferred him to Oban where he still is. He phoned this afternoon and sounded fine and lucid but to they are going to keep him in for more tests. On top of all that I feel like crap and have spent the day lying on the sofa so I'm not going to visit him in Oban lest I pass this bug on. My only diversion has bee to feed the neighbors chooks who are happy and content. The rest of the night will be spent on the sofa and tomorrow all should be well. I don't know what caused Donald's venture to talking some new language but I hope it's over now.

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