Slow cooked lamb - the gift that keeps on giving.
Aside from pomegranate & mint lamb salad (can you call it a salad when it's just a small garnish of mint?), the day was mostly work. But also some billing, which I'm told is a good thing. (Mainly by my bank manager and by the lovely Mr B who mostly is in charge of bankrolling my garden purchases.)
We did manage a sit outside for a beer this evening (though to be honest we mostly wandered around planning garden constructions, stamping our feet and saying 'brrrr' a lot. Minus 5 tonight. Eek.)
And later I was given the news that I can definitely give some good news to our basketball President... (the on-off gig story). I really hope it does work out. He's such a nice guy and has been (unpaid) leading the basketball club since 1978! He resigns at the end of June, so a concert to serenade him out in the middle of June is an all round well-timed thing.
Another super sunny, but icy cold day. I have promised myself much gardening (even in the cold) once I'm past this lump of work. One client has gone a bit quiet, and I'm wondering whether I should just leave the beast slumbering if the weather is going to be good tomorrow afternoon...
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