Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Cold and Wet!

What I call a really dank day today, after a very wet night. Its the sort of cold that gets into the bones. I was glad to climb back into bed this morning after letting Billy out. He was soon back in and we went back to sleep :)

A long time while later I pottered outside to see what sort of blip I could get today....yesterday I'd spotted this fabulous cobweb. Why is it that I can't get the photograph of such a beautiful thing. 180 shots later and I'm still not convinced!! I had to come in and empty the camera card before taking any more...

Sorry no pink in evidence today, but I think I've done rather well in doing all that I have done!

Some more shots here

In other news, you may remember I had to go on a yeast free diet for a while. This weekend I've got to start introducing it back in. Just had a half slice of ordinary bread inbetween 2 of soda bread. Have to see if the condition comes back again I hope not!!

Todays list:

Washing (nearly done) :)

Finish bible study prep for Monday's leading the study (though in my opinion the book we're using is more an individual's study book)!

More study for my Foosteps course. ( I'm thinking of highlighting pages in a book! Is it wrong to write notes and highlight in a book (its my book!)? Saves writing notes on a piece of paper and losing it... What do blippers think?)

Sleep before tonight's Street Pastor Shift. We meet at 9.45pm and make coffee's and teas for the team before they go out on the streets. Then we spend time in prayer, until 4am. This is probably going to be the coldest night of my just makes me think of other people who have nowhere to go and actually sleep on the street.... I will be wearing thermal underwear and I don't care what other people think, I'm not there to look pretty!

I will probably be sleeping for most of tomorrow!

Have a great weekend blippers :)

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