Grand designs???

I'm a day behind again.
This back-blipping is getting to be a habit.

This is a house at Putsborough beach that we walk past almost every day, while walking the dog.

It's being dismantled slowly day-by-day (I'm assuming because access is too difficult to simply knock it down) to make way for something else.

Houses at Putsborough cost millions. Can you imagine having the money to buy one and then rebuild it?!

I'm not sure what I think about it all. I suppose I find vast wealth rather vulgar and the house prices in North Devon pretty grotesque. But I guess I hope the new building is beautiful and is lived in and isn't just a holiday home.
It would be so nice to see proper little communities in places like this but they're all dying out...

This isn't my favourite photo from yesterday. I have some photos of a women charging around on the beach on a mobility scooter and throwing a frisbee for her golden retriever that made me smile. I also took some photos in Barnstaple Pannier market with my iPhone - something I've wanted to do with my proper camera for years.
But this photo is a bit of history and something to look back on - perhaps the new build will be worth photographing.

In other news my back's been bad again and waking me up at night. Gemma's been unwell and Tess has a stinking cold, Joel's wrist was still to painful to have guitar lessons. But I had a fairly good day and enjoyed getting some new fish for the fishtank.

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