Sunset Adventures

Before leaving for school and work, on Friday, we packed up the jeep with our photography things, some coats, and snacks.  We had a plan to go visit the ocean at the end of our day in hopes of seeing some beautiful sights. 

School went well, and Sugar had a nice afternoon at her cousin's house.  Work went fine, and I was happy to see the work week end. 

Sugar and I made it to our location with time to spare.  This was a good thing, as I wanted to find my perfect spot for sunset.  Sugar got sidetracked by the low tide creatures, but I stayed true to my mission.  It was a challenge, and I'm thinking I need to venture into some gradient filter territory sometime soon.  I struggled with the bright sky....and losing the detail in the foreground, but I ended up with a few shots to be proud of.  I added an extra photo, as I rather liked shooting after the sun was below the horizon as well.  This inspired me...and I want to make a better effort to practice these types of shots more often.  

We got home for a late dinner with The Hubby, and some TV time before bed.  Happy hearts.

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