A new hidey hole!

Today I returned home after spending the weekend with my son and family.  I had a lovely time  - it was great to see them.

This morning we went for a walk in the woods of Ashridge Estate where there were lots of lovely old trees. It was very cold but that didn't stop us. 

We had a meal then before I left, my little granddaughter made a new discovery - the gap between the freezer and washing machine. She won't fit in for long the way that she's growing! 

The drive home was punctuated by snow and hail showers which made visibility difficult in some places. It's a long drive and I'm always glad when I get home.

Thank you very much for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's milestone blip - that was very kind. I'm lucky to have such a great bunch of virtual and real life friends.

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