...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Miles is 20 months old today!!! And he wanted to celebrate it between our pediatricians office and The children's hospital ER. :)

This morning Miles still had a high fever and seemed a little out of it so we called our pediatrician and he wanted us to bring him in. Once we got in there the doctor seemed concerned about his general behavior and a rash that was rapidly spreading on his body (looked like hundreds of little tiny red dots underneath his skin). So he sent us to the ER. After some quick tears (from both Miles and Mama) in his office we went off to the children's hospital. We were like VIP once we checked into our little suite and Miles got some blood drawn, an IV and some antibiotics. We stayed for the results to come back and they pretty much ruled out any bacterial infection like meningitis but we have to go back tomorrow for a follow up. He was pretty dehydrated from his fever and lack of appetite the past 3 days so he perked up quite a bit after the IV fluids. Still seemed a little sad but we got a few laughs tonight. Not how I pictured spending the day but we are so thankful we are not spending the night at the hospital! Miles was SUCH a trooper through all his tests today, we were so proud of him. And all the nurses loved him of course, despite the fact that everytime they walked in Miles yelled "bye-bye" and "all done!" and tried to usher them out the door.

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