Off white!?

Bright and dark at the same time today.

In the morning my daughter was in job interview for a summer job, then I drove her with the boyfriend to the World Championships of Academic Kyykkä...

Some more information about the tournament :)  One extra too.

Anyway Kyykkä is a traditional team sport originating from Karelia, Finland. The basic idea of the game is to knock kyykkäs (small wooden cylinders) out of your own game-square by throwing a karttu (long stick, resembling baseball bat).

There was hundreds of merry students in large campus area of the Technical university of Tampere. Music and playing the Kyykkä - students having fun and drinking refreshments wearing their funny hats and ofcourse every student having their bright coloured academic worker overall costumes.

I almost felt envy as I never have been such a student, lived that kind of a life..!

Few shots and on my way back I visited my dad at the dementia ward. Then chose a route to see the view over the lake.

So white!
-1,5c nice weather!
I wonder what is the feeling if you only see white.


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