
By Photogen

Tantalising Tofu

The Chinese have a saying: "Tofu has the flavour of a hundred different things." And they're right! It can be cooked any way you like. It's the winning ingredient in this vegetable stew which is a combination of fresh leeks, carrots, celeriac, cabbage, green peppers, and canned organic tomatoes with spices (a teaspoonful each of turmeric, ginger and cumin stirred in). Once all this is added to a couple of tablespoons of rapeseed oil in a large frying pan and heated through gently, I stir in the tofu, and transfer to my slow cooker to simmer away for a few hours to absorb all the flavours. 
I divide it into portions for freezing and can have it with fish or on its own with potatoes, rice or pasta. 
Tofu is an incredible food - a source of protein containing all eight essential amino acids. It also is a source of iron, calcium, manganese, selenium, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, zinc and vitamin B1. With the vegetables, it bulks out the meal so that you are always satisfied but not at the cost of surplus fatty calories you don't want. And think of all the wonderful vitamins and minerals in the veg as well! Nothing is lost but trapped in the precious juices.

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