
By memento

Beyond the obvious

Month/years from now I'll look at this picture and know two things for sure: that it rained and that there was a lot of yellow trees on our street. I might remember that I was very happy to see it rain after the dry spell. Perhaps I'll even remember that I was excited to see the sun pop out and turn the water drops sparkly.

What I won't remember, unless I jot it down, is that lunch over at favorite munchkins' house was loads of fun, that they liked my tomato/orzo soup except for one munchkin, that one attempted to take a bath in his soup, that he whacked his sister over the head pretty hard (accidentally, I think) with a toy hockey stick and that they couldn't get enough of the squirt whipped cream on their pound cake and strawberries. Where in my brain can I store the exact visuals, I wonder, so I can perform total recall years from now.

We're enjoying the box series of Spooks but it just keeps getting more and more intense, with Mr. Penry-Jones falling apart at the seams to boot. And who would have guessed that the CIA was so unpopular with MI5. Those damned, sneaky, lying Americans. :)

Mr. M just played this song by Alt-J for me on his stereo. Wow.

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