Friday Ditty

It's Friday, it's a bit grey out and we've had some showers of sleet. I'm warm indoors, working and taking the odd pause to look at the tall Scot's pine trees outside of my window and their branches swaying in the breeze.

At lunchtime I popped to our local wool shop to look at patterns and yarn. It's all rather overwhelming- so many lovely things to make and yarns I just love. I've nearly finished my second hat - it incorporates cable stitch - my first attempt at using it. Soon I will be ready for my next challenge! First though I need to conquer sewing together bits of knitting - I've watched some video clips but am finding it tricky.

I bought this little tile many years ago when I was a student in Aberdeen. Now it sits on my front door step, so I can see it as I pass to and fro.

Wishing you all a happy Friday.

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