Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Thursday — 5:40 P.M. Pacific Time

I look at this photo and think “You have the right to remain silent.” Watching evokes so many thoughts and some emotions, so silence is helpful, maybe even necessary.

This has been a lovely day; nothing unusual or spectacular but lovely in its usual-ness. We woke sometime between 6:00 and 7:00; Mr.Fun made a press pot of coffee; our mornings are slow and leisurely. Our reading is in the Old Testament book of Exodus and New Testament book of Matthew. Together, morning by morning, we read through the Bible every year. Then I cooked breakfast, after we finished eating at about 10:00, Mr. Fun cleaned the kitchen while I made the bed; then we showered, dressed, and were ready to go find some adventure.

The three pups are thrilled when we grab their leashes; they know an adventure is about to happen. We rarely leave the house without taking them with us.

Today we made a quick stop at the farmers market to get one jar of Stephanie’s delicious soup. Then we took the pups to the dog park. They loved that. Then we took a short drive through some of the residential streets in Morro Bay, and finally we made a stop at the library to use their Internet to download some stuff to my laptop.

Then home to the sunset.
A lovely day!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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