Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Three knots

The dog had this burning desire to go out at 4:30am which she hardly ever does so I got up and open the door and left it cracked so she could get back in by herself..went back to bed.  She was gone just a few minutes as I felt her jump back on the bed..then I looked at the clock, it was 5:10am..I knew I was not going to be able to go back to sleep.  Leaving the door open was not the problem as once she comes in the weight of the door will close it even though it would not be locked.  So I just got up!!    Turned on the coffee, read some in my book, worked some crossword puzzles, all before 6:30.   

I noticed the sun as it came through the window hitting these three knots on the window facing..blip photo.

Today after lunch, I will be heading over to Myrtle Beach for a working weekend.  I help a family friend with his annual meeting for his company which lasts from Friday - Sunday.  My best friend/cousin is also going.  Our time together with 300 other people!   But we always have Sunday afternoon to do our out thing after the morning breakfast meeting and the packing up of whatever needs to come back to CJ's house.   Beach weather, cloudy and rainy but maybe I will get a sunset shot tomorrow morning..the only day with a little sunshine predicted.   Which is okay, as the rest of the day and all day Saturday I will be stuck inside..unless I can sneak out during a slow time..which I will do.     Probably just phone photos as I won't be able to load the camera photos until I get back home.

Then next week..a trip south to Florida!!

Oh yes,  and look in the extras for what showed up on the redbud tree!   A sign that spring is coming! 

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