There Runs Mary, Hair of Golden....

Challenge - Day 4

Something Green

On 29th January, a cold wet Monday night (like, 10 days ago.  Himself and I plonked ourselves at the dining room table and planted seeds. 

This is one of mine. 10 whole days later.   I have thirty pretty dang spindly but viable sweet peas.  I am exceptionally excited about this. 

Himself is not quite as excited about his 20 cauliflowers, and million taemataes.   But then he doesn't quite express emotion the same way I do. 

we actually bought new seed boxes this year - with LONG ROOT systems.  This is because we are bona fida gardeners now.   What with an allotment and everything. 

I was a bit sad that the rest of my seeds were "Plant March". or else I would have been planting everything, everywhere.  

In the middle of this tray are Ecchinea - but they haven't shown up yet.   tonight, I'm going to plant all the seeds which I have nickedout  of other people's gardens :-)     Cultivated 

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