World Famous in New Zealand

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

I've had a really nice couple of days at work. It is because we've just had an office move and I'm quite liking my new position. I'm feeling more "in the body of the Kirk" and getting to have a bit of daily craic. It improves things immeasurably. 

Also, it seems like a lot more work is coming up - and one of my BA colleagues is pregnant, so they'll HAVE to keep me around bahahahaha! I'm feeling pretty good about it. Government work is not hard. I saw one bloke reading the newspaper, another checking out eBay. I do neither of those things, obviously, but my point is that it's not hard to LOOK productive. "Look! This is me NOT @rsing about!" is all I need to say and they think I am awesome.

I was out and about today doing chores when I saw this poster. It is for L&P (or Lemon and Paeroa). It is to New Zealand what Irn Bru is to Scotland. I've tried it a couple of times. It's okay. It's like a more lemony version of dandelion & burdock. The "Paeroa" part is the place where they make it, by the way. It is distinguished by the big bottle which I believe is something of a tourist attraction.

I have to be honest, I shall probably never visit on purpose. But that's okay. I liked this poster, I liked how happy the sheep in hats are. And since I was in a good mood already it made me smile.


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