A time for everything

By turnx3

Icicles on the bird feeder

The forecast had called for snow and freezing rain overnight, so Roger had been fearing a nasty commute to work, but it wasn’t as bad as expected, and fortunately he had no problem getting to work. I took a picture of the icicles on the bird feeder, in case I didn’t get anything better during the course of the day - and I didn’t, so that will have to do. Since the feeder is currently empty, I unfortunately wasn’t able to get a bird at the feeder. Several weeks ago now, our feeders began to be besieged by large numbers of starlings. They would finish off the feed in this container in a day, and there would be so many of them most of the other birds didn’t get a look in. So, following a suggestion from the Cincinnati Birders site, I’m taking the hanging feeders down and leaving this one empty for a few weeks in the hopes that they will move on somewhere else, and I won’t be refilling the suet feeders on the ends, since they are particularly fond of suet. I feel bad about the other birds, but as I say they weren’t getting much of a look in anyway! We had been having a wonderful variety of birds before the greedy starlings took over, and I miss seeing them.

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