Very unclear

Cold, cold, cold and setting out on this mornings walk, had the feeling the breath one exhaled was turning to snowflakes. And indeed at the half-way turn a big snow flurry but only for two or three minutes. Stayed dry though for most of the day and now this evening a few centimetres have fallen and for the next few days it's on-off-on-off snow but not of any quantity.

Meanwhile back in Berlin, the talks on a future government have reached an agreement. But we are still a long way away from a government being formed. The Labour side has to hold a members postal vote on the deal and this won't be finished before March. And it seems that the German Labour Party have learnt from their dithering comrades in the UK. There has been a storm of new membership in the last weeks and of the type that will vote to reject the deal. They hope for new elections and that they will repeat Jeremy's success. I think they are mistaken, just as the German LibDem Party overplayed their position in the first coalition talks which failed.

And in the meantime, the German acting government remains in place, with the same ministers as pre-election in September 2017.

Can you imagine such chaos ever happening in the UK?

If the deal is agreed we will have the following comparable government:

PM: (Merkel) Conservatives
Finance & Deputy PM: (Scholz, Mayor Hamburg, not even an MP) Labour
Foreign: (Schultz ex EU Parliament Head) Labour
Home Office: (Seehofer, Ex Bavarian President not an MP) Bavarian Cons.
Justice: Labour
Employment: Labour
Commerce: Conservatives
Defence. Conservatives
Education: Conservatives
Agriculture: Conservatves
Transport: Bavarian Conservatives
Health: Conservatives
Environment: Labour
Family & Social: Labour
Overseas Development: Bavarian Conservatives

Can you imagine Therese having her deputy as Tom Watson and Chancellor John McDonnell with the Boris role filled by Jeremy!

Time for a wee wee. Censored

Sittin' in a sleazy snack-bar suckin'
Sickly sausage rolls
Slippin' down slowly
Slippin' down sideways
Think I'll sign off the dole

'cause the fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine
The fog on the Tyne is all mine
The fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine
The fog on the Tyne is all mine

Could a copper catch a crooked coffin maker
Could a copper comprehend
That a crooked coffin maker is just an undertaker who
undertakes to be a friend

'cause the fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine
The fog on the Tyne is all mine
The fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine
The fog on the Tyne is all mine

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