Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Going My Own Way

She's just trying to get out of our local petrol station but sometimes you have to be a little assertive here - I've pulled this exact same stunt a few times. Another good reason for tiny cars.

I have, again, resorted to Silver FX Pro II (David). I don't know enough about Photoshop to get what I want even though I know it's all there. I generally like to emphasise contrast and structure for which this is a simple fix but I nearly always adjust the settings from the pre-set settings as well for a cleaner image.

A photographer friend described PS as being similar to a supermarket that has everything but, as he pointed out, that doesn't mean you have to buy everything, you just need to know what aisle the bread is in. I seem to keep walking out with tinned bamboo and cumquats.

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