Tiny Tuesday : : Spikey

For some reason, this is one of those days when nobody seems to be in charge of the world...I'm uninspired. 

There is a plant outside our bedroom door which we call 'Mr. Spikey', which would be perfect for the 'spikey' challenge, but not for the 'tiny' part of Tiny Tuesday. 

This Agave isn't exactly tiny either, but it is the smallest variety amongst our large collection of agaves here, and has formidable thorns! Oh well, everything's relative, so maybe it will qualify.

 Our garden is in a quandary, as are we all, about what season it is. The temperatures are saying 'summer' although the calendar is saying 'winter". Half the garden looks dormant  dead, and the other half is blooming madly. One whole veggie box is full of blooming daffodils, turning their faces toward the sun in the morning, but the roses are all pruned and have nothing but thorny (spikey?) leafless branches.

Our dryer has been broken for more than a week. The repair shop just called to say that the part they need to fix it is 'backordered' so they won't be coming to fix it tomorrow. OiMan and I both had the same thought...it must be backordered because it's so sh**** everybody needs a new one after only three years. In fact, how did they know it needed that particular new part?

If I weren't scared of my clothesline, which tried to decapitate me once, and if I had any clothes pegs, I would just hang everything outside, since they would dry in no time. 

Our back yard is full of ladders, hoses, shovels and buckets and OilMan tries to track down the source of an irrigation leak. It seems like OilMan is always trying to track down irrigation leaks, but this one seems particularly abundant, depositing large quantities of water in the potholes at the bottom of our driveway. 

It always seems extremely difficult to track down the source of leaks. It seems to require a lot of ingenuity and a lot of tools....and a lot of mud....

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