
By Stuart9613

Long Tailed Tit

Snowing all morning but not very heavy and it did not stick.Not really very cold but grey almost all day.
Two deliveries of plants have arrived today and we are expecting two more this week.Two salesmen also called in both of them wondering what the future of the industry is.
We have a large supplier from Holland and the cuttings they send us are very good but the organisation is dreadful and their paper work is unfathomable.I have requested a spread sheet of our deliveries plus a copy of all the order confirmations from them which arrived on the email this evening.Tomorrow mornings job is to check it all through.
Potting Regal,Zonal and scented Geraniums has started today.Helen has set up the small seeder for the Marigolds and made a start on them before she went into town shopping for a dress with Becky.They didn't find anything and where not impressed with the fashions.

In the picture is another of our garden visitors and one we do not see very often.

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