Snow (ish)
Up early to check the snow and road situation for Mr B. He seems to have missed the road blockages (by minutes), but couldn't avoid the torrential rain. (If that had been snow we'd have had a very different day.)
Then work all morning and I am getting somewhere with the big job that was looking tricky. Meeting at the Mairie after lunch, supposedly to find a solution to our rubbish problem. Instead, we were lectured by the assembled team about what we are not allowed to do. Which didn't seem a very constructive tactic to me. The saga rumbles on.
Taxi'ing CarbBoy, then shopping and finally slobbing in front of the telly with a pizza.
I was all geared up to throw myself on the mercy of the basketball boss for messing them around with the gig, but he wasn't there.
There was a thing with replacement lamp cables being totally not as described that made me grumpy too.
With various road-grump issues in the mix, it was an unsatisfactory day, on balance. Tomorrow (after about noon when all the work will go away for a few hours) will be better.
As you can see, it snowed. Kind of.
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