Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Off the wall

I met an old NHS colleague on the train today. She lives about half a mile down the road and I never knew. We talked shop then she explained calculus to me as she has a degree in maths.

Then I went to buy coffee and the barista was apologising for the delay in serving my latte. ‘A tub of porridge exploded in the microwave’ he said. ‘I think it was over-stimulated at the molecular level’.

The office I was in today was chaotic as they were trying to cram far too many people into small meeting rooms. They have a doorbell, just an ordinary set of chimes, and it was going every thirty seconds. Felt like I was in some stage farce for a while.

The day went by too fast. But I got a fair amount done. Some IT bods hosted a telecon and did it as a webex. Not sure why, as all you could see was a low level view of an old whiteboard and some tech guys nose hair.

I bought vegan shower gel in Lush on the way home. The staff there are always so lovely. But they didn’t have any vegan bacon in the health food shop I went to and I am getting low.

I cooked aubergine and avocado Chimichurri tonight. It was a spontaneous act, I don’t know why I did it. But it was very nice.

I saw this sign on a wall during my travels. Perhaps the plants are trained to grab your ankles. I don’t know. It was just an off the wall day...

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