Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Techy problems

Managed to get to the pool by 8.30, and had a flap around for 20 minutes or so. I then decided that I couldn’t be bothered staying for aquafit, so nipped out, got changed and went into the gym instead. I managed 20 minutes on the cross trainer today with just the normal amount of pain, not like yesterday, thank goodness.

Isobel came for Archie about 11am. He was so excited to see her too. She took the extendable lead and went away to Queen's Park, walking right round Arthur's Seat. That was a long walk! (Photo by Isobel)

By the time Archie came back, Bailey and her mum had arrived, ostensibly for lunch, but really to help me with my various techy problems. Janet is a whizz, very logical and doesn’t give up. However, an hour or so after lunch, she had solved a couple of things but had to give up on the final problem. I'll ring a techie chap. When I feel up to it. They never give up.

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