
By cracker


I'm feeling great after my little operation! My neck is a bit sore but pretty good! I got out of hospital on Wednesday at about 1.15pm then Kaz and I went and got some pad Thai for lunch then picked up spence from his friend, Abi's house. He had a ball and wanted to know if he could have another sleep over but this time for two nights!!

Kaz got a phone call Wednesday night saying that her mum, Cheryl is in hospital so Kaz flew down to Melbourne first thing yesterday morning to be with her. Cheryl had a hip operation in January and hasn't come good since then and the doctors don't know what is wrong with her. At the moment her legs are so swollen that the skin is bursting and causing ulcers. Kaz will stay down with her for a while until they get some answers.

Yesterday Kaz also found out that she had been terminated from her job! New managers took over the company a while back and they are not very nice people at all so Kaz knew her time was limited. They were being ridiculous and demanding that Kaz come to work in the Melbourne office even though she has worked from home since spencer was born and they agreed she could come up here to Queensland to live and still work from home until January. Kaz is pleased to not have to work for them anymore but we are just hoping that they pay her all and is owed.

So poor Kaz had me in hospital, her mum in hospital, has lost her job and is copping it from all sides! She is coping very well considering all that is going on! We can't wait until things settle down a bit and become more stable!

Joti and spence are going great! Joti is still so happy, she is sitting up really well, not rolling yet but going onto her side to sleep. She loves her food! Doesn't have any teeth yet.

I love the happiness on her face in this photo! She is in her new pajamas that are part of the massive amount of clothes that my sister gave me and she looks so cute! And grown up!

Thank you to all who comment and keep checking in on me!

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