Little Green Men

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

It is a beautiful day today. But unlike the last few weeks we are also feeling the effect of "southerlies" (check me out, I am like a native) which is suppressing the heat.

Therefore it is the perfect day to go for a walk. I decided to head down Tory Street, past Haining Street and ended up at Basin Reserve. My dear fellow, I hope you know that it was purely for you that I visited. I'm assuming you have been there yourself. Either in person or via Test Match Special or both.

There was nothing much going on there today. It is just as well. This sort of thing is wasted on me.

I noticed when I crossed the street that the pedestrian crossings have been customised there too (see extra). I thought it was an umpire, but it turns out it is an ANZAC. It makes sense, Basin Reserve is right next to the War Memorial. 

And in the afternoon I saw "The Shape of Water" which should be good for an Oscar or two. In the film, Sally Hawkins falls in love with a green fish-man and there's a musical dance number. Someone described it as "Amelie meets the Creature from the Black Lagoon" and it's a pretty good description. I really liked it. It is a very sweet, sad, magical little film, and the line, "Never trust a man even if he looks flat down there," made me laugh out loud*. 

My only complaint was that - as per bloody usual - the kitty gets it, just like in "Stranger Things". There is definitely an anti-cat bias in the media.


* Mini-Princess Warning. Some parts of the film are really quite rude. I think it is one of those films where, if you watched it as a family, everyone would LOOK STRAIGHT AHEAD AND NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT.

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