The Snakecatcher
We set off at around 10am, dropping Dog at the kennels on the way. The journey to Lyndhurst was a familiar one, with rain, drizzle and occasional sun.
We arrived at lunchtime and called Dot. Lyndhurst high street (see extra) is the same, although a few of the shops have changed. Kevin the butcher has sold to some younger men, the lovely Pandora Shop has given way to yet another charity shop, and the unusual gift shop, where I had hoped to buy some birthday presents was now another coffee shop. We met Dot in Costa and caught up with each other’s lives over coffee. Mum, would never have managed the last few months of her life in her own home, if it hadn’t been for Dot, and I am indebted to her. She has her own health problems now, and I hope that her appointment next week brings some good news.
From there we went to visit with Jean. Jean is 89 Nd doesn’t look or sound a day over 75. She is as sharp as a button with a memory that is far superior to mine. She was Mums friend and once again, I am so grateful for her friendship towards Mum, but also her love and support for me. I hope to go again in the summer to see her.
From Jean’s to Peter and Michaele’s in Brockenhurst. Nice catch up, as we didn’t even get to see each other over Christmas, and then to their local for dinner. Mine, as pictured was just amazing. All the meals looked fabulous and my lamb rump, with home made ratatouille and gratin potatoes was delicious.
Sleepover in their spare room.
I couldn’t resist the other extra of their dog Cuthbert. I tried to get a decent photo but failed and all I got that was half way towards decent was a great big lick
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