I can't see the wood for the trees.

J went to Llandow in the car this morning, but dropped me off at the gym first. I was hoping to see Des, but he did a no show.  I tried out the new exercises, that the trainer showed me last week. Trouble is, they  take longer than my  usual hour, and then I had to walk home. I saw this squirrel running up the tree, and I don't know if he sensed I was watching, because he just froze, and stayed in this position for ages. The photo isn't as clear as I would have liked, but it's was all I took , so will have to do. Bob, our next door neighbour. who is 83, told us yesterday, that it was his lady friend's birthday, and  he had been invited out for a meal, with her, and her family, and as it was going to be a late night, he was stopping over at her house.  He made me smile, when he explained, it will be separate rooms mind you! By the time you get to that great age, I don't think you need to explain yourself to anyone, do you?

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