Might I borrow your brolly ?

This little chap was staring through the kitchen window this morning getting absolutely soaked...

C still poorly with an especially sore throat so I popped out this morning for some throat pastilles & ice cream.  I called in to see N R & Z but Z had just gone to bed so didn't see him but enjoyed a chat with the kids over a nice cup of tea.

Back then for lunch & afterwards I cut the old bedroom carpet up into the strips ready to go to the tip. Of the sofa then where I had a nod for an hour. 

I cooked the dinner and I've just cleared up & the dishwasher is on.

It was raining this morning ......and yep its raining tonight.

Thanks for all your good wishes re C she appreciated it.  As always thanks for calling in today & hopefully I'll "speak" to you later.

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