
By CharlotteJ


I am so happy!  This orchid I gave to my mum last year, around this time.  In August of last year, I saved it from her Kitchen after she passed away.  When I brought it home, it was looking rather poorly.  Mum, if I am truthful, didn’t look after it that well, but that’s OK!  So, I took the decision to re pot it and hope for the best.  It quickly looked happier in its new pot and it threw out a shoot.  My friend Sue looked after it whilst I was in Australia and it produced buds.  Its been in bud form for a while!  I didn’t think the buds were going to open.  I kind of haven’t taken much notice of it over the last week, until the afternoon….I was so happy to see ITS FLOWERED!  It’s a mini orchid.  Love it loads.

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