Hunting (Day 1001)

The sky and the mirror smooth Bay of Firth were tinged pink as I wandered up the hill with the woofers this morning. So good to be able to see the view and not be blown around for a change.
Back at home I got organised before heading to town to collect some stuff and was glad to hear that one of the suppliers of wood pellets should have some stock at the end of the week. There is a national problem with the supply of wood pellets for biomass boilers and we are very close to running out. Fingers crossed for supplies just in time.
Back at home I busied myself with a few chores, and then an early lunch and a trip across to Stromness with the dogs. We stopped in at Mum's and collected Evie the wonderdog for a walk around the reservoir. Talisker and Sigyn love going there as there is so much room for them to run around and search for small creatures in the heather. 
I stopped off at Mum and Dad's for a quick coffee before I heading home to settle down to watch the rugby and await the arrival home of my  beautiful wife.

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