Upside Down

Upside Down and Inside Out

Day 4 of the project and things starting to hot up. Big ditches and holes in the garden, skips arriving at 'early o clock' and bricks, boards and sand. This is a picture of a 'stud' wall. ....whatever that is? It will be temporary and where the new kitchen will join the conservatory. Hard to view this through architect's eyes at the moment - but will hope for the best!

Topsy Turvy is also the theme at work. Top down pressure, targets, KPIs, league tables, deadlines, faster, quicker, more for less. This is the mantra of 2012 and the 'aspirational' society. We are definitely all in this together !

Great meeting with SAS today (a software company and not the military unit!) . This brightened up the day and just for a few hours we felt we were doing our proper jobs, being creative, innovative and moving things forward. This was really positive and refreshing. More work to do though!

Day 4 down and another possible 86 to go :)

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