A Day to Remember

G and I went to Wells Lifeboat Station today through our photography course. All the students got a chance to explore the station and the offshore and inshore lifeboats - what a privilege! We were shown round by Phil who has volunteered for the RNLI for 50 years now. He was telling us all about the planned new lifeboat and new station for Wells, which has operated a lifeboat for over 140 years. My favourite place to photograph was the kit room, I've added more photos in Extras.

The main event though was G's 60th birthday. I had to ensure she got home at 1:05 for a surprise gathering of friends for tea and birthday cake (see Extras). For the first time ever, our teacher decided to finish class 20 mins early (for a longer session next time), so I had to invent a reason for G to return via my house to delay her! In the afternoon I had a chance for a good catch up with my good friend M who was visiting for G’s birthday and in the evening we went round for a lovely birthday meal which was prepared by a private chef - see more detail of the day in G's journal 

Certainly a day to remember!

Thank you to everyone who gave me hearts or stars or comments for yesterday’s super moon photo - I was dead chuffed to get to page 1 of popular with it

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