Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Steam punk is all the rage!

During the night I checked on the catkins and they were hiding as previously, but there were signs that they had been exploring the room. A little food had been eaten.

When I went back at 7 a.m. Daisy ran across the room and wedged herself in the very narrow space behind my piano. There was no sign of Oscar. I looked everywhere and had to give up. (I suspect this is the start of many anxieties when we can't find them.)

I asked Ian, next door, who is used to handling very heavy furniture, to come over and move the piano away from the wall. There was Oscar, squeezed onto a very narrow ledge. We have left the piano away from the wall so that they can "hide" there, but I can see them.

There they have stayed all day. I'm just hoping they come out in the dark and have something to eat and drink.

More friends came today, hoping for an audience, but we had to say "No Visitors" just yet.

Mum had a GP appointment this morning, then an optician's appointment and an x-ray. She still has double vision with the new spectacles. The optician thinks that the orthoptist gave him the wrong strength for the prisms that have been inserted. Back to the Eye Infirmary. Oh dear!

I've ironed out some website glitches for the Walking Festival today. All set for booking to start on Monday. 

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