Getting Chairing right

No.  not a revolt against the Board Chair.

But a view of an area in the Scottish Government in Victoria Quay.

Also relevant for a discussion we were having at a meeting to look at permanence and the role of advice hearings in the permanence process.  Advice hearings are where a children's hearing provide advice to a Sheriff before the sheriff tales a view on whether a child moves to a new family proving a permanent structure.

Lots of discussion about the need for an independent opportunity for the family and child to have an opportunity to express their views.  and whether hearings receive the necessary information in reports to take effective decisions.

Also a discussion about how the role of the Chair of the hearing is important in managing the discussion and the decisions and prepartions of advice.

A frequent theme of multi-agency discussions is the need for a better understanding of roles and responsibilities - and ensuring the key people have the right training and support.

An interesting day.  Ended with the usual visit to my aunt in hospital.  That is now 3 months since she was declared fit to return home but she continues to languish in hospital.  We have become so despairing of the ability of the council care arrangements - despite help and support from the social worker - that she has concluded that she will have to pay more to secure her exit from hospital.  But initial discussion with care providers suggests that there is also a lack of capacity to take people on.  Still, hoping that we will find someone who can provide what is a reasonably straightforward package.  So sad to leave her crying quietly with frustration that nothing can seem to be done.

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