Rose Cottage & Pauline Whitney

I have been writing a presentation to accompany a talk on LC and it’s American Connections. I had found all the images, some quite obscure and the only one I did not have was a photo of one of the Pauline Whitney portraits. We have two in the Castle and no one has a photo of either. Off I went and discovered that my favourite one has been moved to a position that I just could not capture. A dark staircase with huge ceiling window off centre. Awful. So, this one is from the portrait in the Catherine of Aragon Bedroom. Pauline is now in the presentation.

I left early to go visit my best friend Dawn in her new house. What a fabulous house it is too. Absolutely beautiful with the most amazing views from every room. I’m a wee bit jealous! The best thing about it though is that it is only 10 minutes from the Castle, so lunches, tea after work, all now on my agenda. Life has conspired to make our meetings few and far between over the last couple of years and there is lots of catching up To do!

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