
By RetiredDBA

Very very windy

Out with South Lakes U3A's most adventurous walking group today. The forecast was for sun accompanied by very strong winds which resulted in the original plan of heading up Great End being scrapped. This was almost certainly for the best or several of the group may have met a less than Great End! Instead wisely or otherwise we chose to do climb Helm Crag and then along the ridge over Gibson Knott and Calf Crag before making a decision on whether to attempt Sergeant Man. It was an exciting walk ... initially uphill directly into the wind with progressively deeper snow. By the time we got close to Calf Crag standing up was proving difficult so we sensibly chose to drop down into the valley. The homeward journey down the valley resulted in several of the group descending a particularly steep, slippy grassy slope by the seat of the their pants in fits of giggles and at least two people taking an unexpected dip in one of the streams. Thankfully the only thing injured was pride. The blip was taken close to Calg Crag looking down the ridge with Seat Sandal and the Fairfield Horseshoe behind. In extras is the view from Helm Crag looking across to Easedale Tarn.

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